
Martin Clunes Helps Horse Charity Get a Leg Up



Martin Clunes - Doc Martin - Horse

By this point, Martin Clunes’ affinity for animals is a well-known fact. That said, it’s tough to not be continuously impressed by his desire to lend a helping hand to some of the world’s most beautiful, four-legged, fury characters – and those who rely on them.
This month, it was revealed that the “Doc Martin” star has stepped up to support TheHorseCourse, a Weymouth, U.K., initiative in which horses are used as therapeutic tools for those who suffer from physical, mental, and emotional issues.
TheHorseCourse is currently running the Fourteen Furry Faces to Feed, a campaign designed to help keep the organization’s 14 horses in tip-top condition.
“You could say I’ve put my money where my mouth is because I feel so strongly that what TheHorseCourse does is so valuable,” commented Clunes, the provider of a generous donation. “It has a proven track record of reaching people when all else fails – people who can’t engage with talking therapies for whatever reason.”

Martin Clunes - Doc Martin - Horse

He continued: “I’ve seen first-hand how well those people respond to the horses, who become their teachers. Not everybody can talk to a person and describe their problems, but these hand-picked, special animals give people a chance.”
Clunes is providing an important measure of star-power to TheHorseCourse’s cause, all the while hoping “people will feel as I do…that supporting people whose lives – and mental health – is a struggle, is really in the spirit of Christmas.”
Offered Harriet Laurie, CEO of TheHorseCourse: “We can’t thank Martin enough for the support he gives us. He really understands what we do here to help improve the quality of life for people who typically come to us with multiple problems – things like anxiety and depression, self-harm, addictions, domestic abuse.”
“We couldn’t do what we do without the horses – some of whom have been rescued themselves,” added Laurie. “So we are appealing to the public to join Martin Clunes in donating to our campaign.”
-Adam Grant

Doc Martin - Season 8
This week (Tuesday, December 12 at 8pm ET/5pm PT) on “Doc Martin”: Penhale decides to have a Police Open day to raise community awareness. The only genuine visitor he has though, is an angry farmer, Hannah Butler. Another three of her sheep have been stolen and Penhale seems to be doing nothing about it.

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