
Ew, Jenna Coleman was Asked to Autograph What?



Jenna Coleman

From the outside looking in, the celebrity life looks pretty grand. There’s fame, notoriety, riches and opportunities that not everyone is able to experience. Then again, not all aspects of fame can be considered fruitful, as privacy becomes a challenge and fan encounters can get uncomfortable.
One young actress currently navigating the highs and lows of fame is “Victoria” star Jenna Coleman. In addition to starring in the prized period drama as Queen Victoria, Coleman also receives much attention for her time spent on “Doctor Who.” Thus, the 31-year-old meets all kinds of admirers.

Victoria - Dash

2017 was an amazing year for Jenna Coleman and “Victoria.” Click here for the highlights!

During a December 2017 appearance on “The Graham Norton Show,” Coleman spoke about one of the oddest experiences she has had with a fan.
“The weirdest thing I have been asked to do is sign someone’s underpants. I politely declined!’ Admitted Coleman, who also noted that some people will even hum the “Doctor Who” theme song when in her presence.
As weird as it was for Coleman to handle an underpants autograph request, the actress also initially found it strange to pop on the crown and become the Queen of England.
“I’ve gotten pretty comfortable in a tiara, I suppose,” relayed Coleman while in conversation with InStyle. “But, the first couple of weeks of shooting were bizarre because you step on set, and suddenly you’re sat on a throne and people are curtsying.”
-Adam Grant

Victoria & Albert - S1

In 2018, VisionTV will present season two of “Victoria”! Stay tuned for more information regarding air dates and times.

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