
Toronto Festival Singers Perform on The New Classical FM for Rosh Hashanah



For the first time, The New Classical FM is proud to present a special series of High Holy Day broadcasts for members of the Jewish Faith – and anyone else who loves beautiful choral music with a spiritual dimension – to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and 10 days later, The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.

On Saturday and Sunday, September 19th and 20th at 10am ET, join Cantor Simon Spiro as he leads the Toronto Festival Singers – the finest Synagogue Choir in North America – in a Rosh Hashanah service that will celebrate, reflect and uplift.

It’s part of ZoomerMedia’s ongoing effort to provide comfort and support to listeners safely isolating at home, especially the elderly. From all of us at The New Classical FM, may you have a healthy and sweet new year, 5781 in the Hebrew Calendar.

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